The Doll Blog (Where the Dolls get to Have A Say)

Jan. 19, 2013: Just a little chatting

Horsesareawesome: Hi! 
CeCefashion: Hi Emmy
Soccerqueen: Yo
CeCefashion: Where is Addy?
Horsesareawesome: Probably trying to read what we've wrote already
kittenzkittenz: i finished reeding it
Horsesareawesome: It kind of hurts me to see incorrect spelling, and grammar
Soccerqueen: HEEEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahorsenamedawesome: Hello! My name is ___, my birth name is _____!
kittenzkittenz: :0
Soccerqueen: :O 
CeCefashion: XO
Horsesareawesome: *Giggles*
ahorsenamedawesome: *Smiles at Emily*
CeCefashion: Who are you?
ahorsenamedawesome: *Giggles*
Soccerqueen: r u, new????????
ahorsenamedawesome: Very new
kittenzkittenz: do yoo like cats?
 ahorsenamedawesome: Second fave animal! 
Soccerqueen: Next 2..... horses?
ahorsenamedawesome: Correct
Horsesareawesome: You guys don't know about her, I do. And now I'm ending this chat. When she decides to come out of hiding you guys can meet her. L8tr!
(End Of Chat)

Horsesareawesome = Emily
CeCefashion = Cecile
kittenzkittenz = Addy
Soccerqueen = Beatrice
ahorsenamedawesome = (It's a mystery!)

Jan. 1st 2013: NEW YEARS!

OH YAY! 2013 HOARAY!!!!!!!!!!! Wats up? I resolute this year to eat more candy
I hope I can get in more time to study this year  just kidding. I was hoping to try horse riding! Emily?
Sure! Of course Ill teach you!
OOOOOOH! I could make me and you matching horseriding outfits!
kk! Addy! Say something
Hi 2013 you kept me up waiting fur the ball 2 drop. Im gonna go bak to sleep
Hooaaraaay!!!!!!!! It's the new year! I'm going to try soccer this year maybe...
(She's awful at soccer)
Hey! Thats not nice Bea
harsh cece, harsh
it is true
Hey! You're up!
well now im going back to sleeeeep. see? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsnorezzzzzzzzzzzz im dreaming of sugar plums and chocolate cake! yummy in my tummy
looks like this isn't going anywhere. 
(End Of Post)
Purple= Emily
Green= Beatrice
Red= Addy
Blue= Cecile

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